About the Project

Project Description

The objective of the initiative is to enhance the safety of digital Europe by encouraging greater participation of women from non-technical backgrounds in the field of cybersecurity. SHE@CYBER is envisioned as a foundational step in addressing several challenges outlined in the EU’s Cybersecurity Strategy. 

These challenges encompass the need for a collective understanding of cyber threats, the necessity to boost cybersecurity and cyber defense skills at the EU level, and the substantial shortage of cybersecurity skills within the workforce. 

SHE@CYBER integrates adult education and professional certifications with subject matter expertise, employing innovative teaching methods to drive results that align with industry needs. The project’s focus extends beyond increasing the number of cybersecurity professionals; it aims to promote diversity within the workforce.

The initiative will pioneer novel training approaches, incorporating various methods, including hybrid and online formats, to address the underrepresentation of females and disadvantaged groups in technology-related roles. Unique aspects include the evaluation of emerging technologies, ethical considerations in cybersecurity, and the development of confidence in female cybersecurity professionals. 

SHE@CYBER also seeks to dispel misconceptions, reveal key components of the gender gap, and assess biases related to the vulnerability of females to cyber threats. 

Through gender-based actions, the project will identify weaknesses in the entire employment value chain, from education and training to workplace dynamics. Ultimately, the project aims to establish a structured pathway for creating a gender-inclusive talent pipeline in cybersecurity, contributing to the alignment of workforce supply with market needs.


SHE@CYBER has been developed to tackle the urgent demand for cybersecurity experts and to actively involve underrepresented groups, particularly women, in this field. This is aimed at closing both the skills gap and the gender diversity imbalance. Despite the growing significance of cybersecurity and the escalating demand for professionals, the insufficient representation of women and the resulting shortage of talent in this domain create vulnerabilities, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the broader cybersecurity landscape.

To effectively address the gender disparity, talent shortages, and skills gaps in cybersecurity, it is essential to approach these issues from diverse perspectives. Currently, only 20% of the global security workforce consists of women, underscoring the imperative to advocate for gender diversity and narrow the disparity between the demand for cybersecurity professionals and the available workforce.

Project Results

Project Result 01

Roadmap to a diverse workforce in cybersecurity

Project Result 02

Interactive Learning Resources

Project Result 03

Cyber Security Risk Management Essentials and Business Resilience Training

Project Result 04

Training Implementation Methodology: Educational Toolkit

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2023-1-CY01-KA220-VET-000155591

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